Latest News
- 30thJanWelcome to first-year graduate students, Hania and Nadeeshan! We can't wait to see what great science you do 😊
- 9thJanHappy birthday to Ellen!!!!
- 9thJanAnother Np manuscript, and the Matson Lab's first publication in Organometallics. Congrats to Leyla and thanks to the Bart Team!!
- 7thJanShannon's collabortive manuscript describing the mechanisms of PCET in Ti-subsituted polyoxovanadte-alkoxide clusters is published in Chemical Science!
- 1stJanHappy New Year from the Matson Lab!!! We're ready for another year of exciting science!!
News Archive
- 2024
- 12thDecAt long last, Leyla's paper describing the photoluminescence of uranium(IV) alkoxide complex is published in JACS Au!!! Special thanks to Sabyasachi and Bess for the computational support!
- 3rdDecNew Talent Americas Special Issue of Dalton Transaction is published online!! So proud of Ellen, who served as a guest editor!!
- 27thNovMamta's collaborative paper with the Thorarinsdottir group describing the electrochemistry of vanadium-susbtituted polyoxometalates is published in ACS Materials Au!
- 23rdNovMamta is named the recipient of the 2024 Outstanding Graduate Student Award!! So proud of her accomplishments!
- 21stNovKamaless manuscript describing the pKa dependence of O-H bond activation in uranium-substituted thiomolybdate clusters is published in Dalton Transactions!
- 20thNovLeyla and Dom land the first Np paper from the Matson Lab!! Special thanks to the Bart Lab for supporting this science, describing the Np-substituted polyoxomolybdate-alkoxide clusters!!
- 20thNovDom's manuscript describing the consequence of vanadium-substitution on H-atom uptake at polyoxotungstate surfaces is published in a VSI of Inorganic Chemistry on polyoxometalates!
- 1stNovCongrats to the “SISGR” team (especially Matson Lab members, Allen and Chari) on the publication of their work on H2 production in Chemical Communications!
- 24thOctShannon is recognized by the Rochester ACS Section at the Annual Dinner for her outstanding contributions to the community!! Congrats!
- 24thSepCollaborative work with the Laskin Group at Purdue is published in the International Journal of Mass Spectrometry! Congrats!
- 18thAugGroup alum superstar celebrating in Denver! Eric wins the Division of Inorganic Chemistry Young Investigator Award! We are so proud of you!
- 16thAugGroup has a great day at the Western New York Inorganic Symposium! Leyla wins a prize celebrating a fantastic talk on luminescent actinide complexes!
- 12thAugHannah and Chari are selected as recipients of Department of Chemistry Graduate Student Fellowships! You guys are awesome!!
- 7thAugEllen participates in the Telluride Workshop on Interfacial Chemistry and Charge Transfer for Energy Storage and Conversion!
- 2ndAugAnd that's a wrap on Kinsey's REU!! Great work this summer!!!
- 28thJulEllen gives a lecture in the Rising Star Symposium at the International Conference on Coordination Chemistry!
- 10thJulKamaless's fantastic chemistry on water reduction by reduced, uranium-substituted thiomolybdate clusters is published in JACS!
- 1stJulEllen is promoted to Full Professor!! Quick trip to Amsterdam to see Taylor Swift to celebrate!!
- 20thJunMamta publishes a perspective on thriving in the modern scientific world with collaborators met at the Electrochemistry GRC!!
- 13thJunBecca is officially a PhD candidate after passing her oral exam!!! Congratulations!
- 4thJunKamaless, Ellen, Zhou, and Shannon represent the Matson Laboratory at the Inorganic Gordon Research Conference! Kamaless gets picked to give a prestigious poster talk!
- 31stMayWelcome to Matson Lab undergraduates Kinsey (REU), Isa, and Adriana!
- 18thMayMatson Laboratory undergraduates Josh, Erin, and Molly are officially done!! Congrats to the graduates - can't wait to see what you guys do next!
- 15thMayMamta, Ellen and Claire visit Dudley Elementary School Classroom for outreach! We loved sharing the things that glow with the kiddos 😊
- 30thAprMamta publishes a perspective on thriving in the modern scientific world with collaborators met at the Electrochemistry GRC!!
- 30thAprShannon, Eric, and Baela publish a manuscript describing PCET for O2 reduction from a V(III)-aquo complex!
- 18thAprErin and Josh win Chemistry Department Awards!! We are going to miss our graduating seniors!
- 9thAprShannon and Mamta are selected as recipients of the UR Elon Huntington Hooker Fellowship!
- 9thAprAfter years of work, Katie, Alex and Zhou have their paper on scaling relationships in polyoxovanadate-alkoxide clusters published in Inorganic Chemistry! Great synthetic and analytical work with an assist from the Mpourmpakis lab at Pitt!
- 8thAprTotality in Rochester NY during the Solar Eclipse!
- 4thAprMamta publishes an excellent paper in Chem. Eur. J. describing structure-function relationships that enhance electron transfer kinetics of vanadium oxide complexes!
- 24thMarZhou and Shannon's paper on PCET from Keggin-type polyoxotungstate clusters is published in JACS Au!
- 16thMarEllen and Leyla attend the Spring 2024 ACS Meeting where Leyla gives an awesome poster and talk on her actinide chemistry!
- 20thFebBig congrats to Leyla on our FIRST actinide photoluminescence paper!!! Special thanks to our wonderful collaborator, Carsten Milsmann!
- 4thFebChari attends the Solar Fuels GRS and GRC to share her work on hole transfer from CdSe QDs!!
- 22ndJanShannon, Becca, and Eric's paper summarizing how titanium-dopants influence the mechanism of PCET at polyoxovanadate-alkoxide surfaces is published in JACS!!
- 15thJanNew postdoc, Dr. Dom Shiels, joins the lab!!! Dom is a graduate from Newcastle, and obtained his PhD from John Errington. Welcome!
- 7thJanMamta gives a talk at the 2024 Electrochemistry GRS!!
- 4thJanThe Matson Lab welcomes THREE new students!! Claire, Hannah, and Baela get to work in lab with the start of the new semester!
- 2023
- 5thDecMamta publishes her THIRD first-author paper of the year, summarizing the enhancement of the reductive stability of Ti-doped POV-alkoxide clusters in the presence of potassium-supporting electrolyte. Congrats!
- 29thNovKamaless' first paper in the Matson Lab is out!! Check out our new project describing the synthesis and reaction of low-valent uranium complexes supported by redox-active thiomolybdate ligands!
- 27thNovMamta and her fantastic team report the improved solubility of TiPOV-alkoxide clusters! Excellent job to all, especially all three fantastic undergraduate co-authors!
- 20thNovMamta's excellence in undergraduate teaching is recognized with the W.D. Walters Teaching Award!!
- 12thNovChari and Kevin's paper describing hole transfer from CdSe QDs to O-atom deficient POV-alkoxide clusters is published in Nano Letters!!
- 26thOctChari, Eric, and Katie's paper describing H-atom uptake at POV-alkoxide clusters with variable alkoxide ligand lengths is published in Dalton Transactions!
- 13thOctErin, Allen, and Josh are named recipients of the UR Chemistry Junior Scholar Award!! So lucky to work with these amazing undergraduates!
- 18thSepSophomore Joshua Li joins the research group as our newest undergraduate researcher! Joshua is working with Shannon and Becca on cluster synthesis and reactivity!
- 15thSepThompson and Eric's paper on converting bridging alkoxides to bridging oxide ligands in POV-alkoxide clusters is published in Inorganic Chemistry!
- 7thAugBecca, Chari, and Mamta are recognized with Department of Chemistry graduate student fellowships! We’re so lucky to have them in our lab!!
- 2ndAugMatson Lab rocks Western New York Inorganic Symposium!!
- 16thJulChari travels to Michigan to participate in the Schaap Symposium!
- 4thJulThe Matson Lab hosts the Inorganic Division for our annual 4th of July BBQ!!
- 1stJulEllen is named the Marshall D. Gates Jr. Associate Professor of Chemistry! Congrats to Ellen!
- 13thJunKatie passes her oral exam and advances to candidacy! Congrats to Katie!!
- 6thJunEllen travels to Spain to give a talk at PCET 4!
- 6thJunKatie and Eric's article summarize our group's work in proton coupled electron transfer is published in Accounts of Chemical Research! Big congrats to the team!
- 2ndJunMamta's paper describing solvent mixtures for enhanced rates of electron transfer in Ti-doped POV-alkoxide clusters is published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A! Congrats!
- 31stMayMamta passes her oral exam with flying colors! Big congrats to Mamta!!
- 12thMayMatson Lab visit Tad's classroom to make slime on his birthday!
- 12thMayEric and Alex are “hooded”!! We are so proud of you both and grateful for the amazing work you did in our lab!
- 10thMayPhD #5 Eric Schreiber rocks his defense! Congratulations on this milestone!
- 10thMayLeyla Valerio is selected to speak at the Organometallics GRS, and also named a recipient of the Carl Storm Fellowship! Congrats!
- 9thMayMamta Dagar and Katie Proe are chosen to attend prestigious electrochemistry conferences this summer (NGenE and CVIS)! Congrats!!
- 4thMayShannon Cooney passes her oral exam and advances to candidacy!! Congrats on this milestone!!!
- 3rdMayChari Peter rocks her oral exam and advances to candidacy! We are so proud of you!!
- 28thAprLeyla Valerio is the first of our second year graduate students to take (and pass!) her oral exam! Congratulations on an excellent talk! We can’t wait to see what you do next!
- 3rdAprShannon and Eric's article on the impact of O-atom defects in H-atom uptake at POV-alkoxide surfaces is published in Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers!
- 29thMarLeyla Valerio is named a recipient of a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! WOW!!!!!
- 24thMarLeyla and Shannon give excellent posters at the AS&E Graduate Research Symposium!
- 9thMarShannon Cooney is named a recipient of the UofR Barnard Fellowship! Congrats!!!
- 7thFebOur forum on Metal Clusters and Cages is published in Inorganic Chemistry! Congrats to Mamta, Eric, and Shannon on an excellent editorial!
- 18thJanEric's ChemSci article on selectivity in H-atom uptake is published online, and is selected as a “Pick of the Week”!!
- 4thJanTwo new postdocs, Zhou Lu and Kamaless Patra join the Matson Lab!!
- 2022
- 7thDecRob passes his oral exams, advancing to candidacy!
- 1stDecEric and Ellen accompany Molly to the Boar's Head Dinner!
- 28thNovBecca joins the Matson Laboratory!! We are so excited to welcome you to the team!
- 21stNovCongrats to Shannon and Chari on receiving the Walters Teaching Award, and to Eric who was named the 2022 Outstanding Graduate Student!
- 3rdNovMatson Lab celebrates Dominica Independence Day! Thank you Chari for sharing these bits of your culture with us!
- 24thOctMatson Lab celebrates Diwali with Mamta Dagar!!
- 23rdOctMatson Lab pumpkin carving is a success!!
- 21stOctShannon, Alex, and Maddy's paper on Coordination Induced Bond Weaking at the surface of POV-alkoxide clusters is published in Chemical Science! Congrats to all on this exciting work!
- 21stOctEric represents the Matson Lab at the Atomically Precise Nanochemistry GRC/GRS!
- 5thOctChari Peter receives a DEIR Travel Grant from the Rochester ACS section and gives an AMAZING talk at NERM!
- 24thSepThe Matson Lab hits Schutt's to pick some apples!!
- 24thSepMamta Dagar is named a recipient of the prestigious Sherman-Clarke Fellowship! Congrats Mamta!!!
- 16thSepAll FIVE Matson Lab second years are done with their cumulative exams!! Can't wait to see what this amazingly fierce group of female scientists does next!!
- 15thSepAlex Fertig defends an outstanding thesis!! Congrats on a beautiful body of work! We'll miss you!
- 1stSepAlex's heroic paper connecting thermodynamics and kinetics of hydrogen atom transfer from polyoxovanadate-alkoxide clusters is published in Inorganic Chemistry!
- 31stAugEllen gives an invited lecture at ICCC 2022 in Rimini Italy! So great to reconnect with this amazing community of international polyoxometalate chemists!
- 25thAugThe Matson Lab's work on PCET is funded!!! Excited to be named a recipient of a Clean Energy Materials Award from the Department of Energy!
- 22ndAugEllen and Eric travel to the Fall ACS Meeting!!
- 8thAugLeyla's paper on U=O bond activation using Mashima's reagent is published in ChemComm!!
- 5thAugEric and Alex represent the Matson Lab at the Electron Donors and Accepter Interactions GRC/GRS!
- 4thJulThe Matson Lab celebrates the 4th of July!!
- 23rdJunKatie Proe joins the Matson Lab!!! We are so excited to have you on our team!
- 9thJunEric is awarded the University of Rochester Messersmith Fellowship celebrating his accomplishments in research as a graduate student! Way to go Eric!!
- 6thJunMaddy, Daniela, and Erin start summer research in the Matson Lab!!
- 3rdJunEllen is selected as the Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry Lecturer! Catch her lecture at the Fall ACS Meeting in Chicago on Monday Night!
- 1stJunEllen is elected Vice Chair of the Inorganic Gordon Research Conference!
- 27thMayCongrats to Alex and Eric on winning Department of Chemistry Travel Awards!!
- 24thMayWelcome to UR undergraduate Molly Corr, pictured here rocking electrochemistry on Day #2 in lab! We are so excited to get to work with you!!
- 21stMayMatson group outing at the Lilac Festival Beer Expo!
- 12thMayLeyla, Mamta, and Ellen travel to Kid #1's preschool for some science outreach!!
- 10thMayMatson lab celebrates the life of Susan Odom with publication of manuscript in J. Mat. Chem. A.
- 20thAprAccelerated rates of oxygen-atom transfer in polyoxovanadate clusters
- 14thAprSynthesis and characterization of pyridine dipyrrolide uranyl complexes
- 12thAprCelebrating the excellence of the honorary Matson Lab member, “Dr. H.” on his receipt of the SA Professor of the Year award!
- 9thAprLauren wins BEST POSTER at the Rochester Section Collegiate Research Symposium!!
- 7thAprMatson Lab awarded grant to study O-atom vacancy formation and reactivity in Polyoxovanadate-alkoxide clusters from the National Science Foundation!
- 28thMarEric's article on charge-dependent proton uptake in polyoxovanadate-alkoxide clusters is featured on the cover of Inorganic Chemistry!!
- 16thMarCharge-state dependence of proton uptake in polyoxovanadate-alkoxide clusters
- 11thMarHydrogen-atom uptake yields defect formation in polyoxovanadate clusters via concerted 2e-/2H+ transfer
- 5thMarChari's epic CV tweet goes viral on Twitter!!
- 17thFebMolecular engineering of polyoxovanadate-alkoxide clusters and microporous polymer membranes to prevent crossover in redox-flow batteries
- 2021
- 15thDecWelcome to first year graduate students Chari, Leyla, Mamta, and Shannon!!! We are so excited to have you join the team!!!
- 23rdNovEllen spends day with YWCP students sharing experiences as women navigating STEM and academia!
- 4thNovAlex Fertig is named a UR Chemistry DeRight Fellow!!! A well-deserved honor for our in-house cluster PCET expert!
- 16thSepAlex's paper on surface mediated PCET in POVs for O2 reduction is out!! Congrats to Alex!
- 26thAugSourav's article on the reactivity of silyl radicals with POV-alkoxide clusters is published in Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers!
- 25thAugSourav and Eric's work on silylium uptake in POV-alkoxide clusters is published in Chemical Science!
- 23rdAugEric and Alex rock their presentations (virtual and in-person) at the Fall ACS Meeting!!!
- 9thAugWoooooooo!!! Lauren is named a recipient of an ACS Bridge Travel & Career/Professional Development Award!
- 1stJulEllen is appointed as the Faculty Development and Diversity Officer in Arts, Science, and Engineering at UR!
- 1stJulEllen is promoted to ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (with tenure!)!!
- 23rdJunRachel's manuscript on small molecule activation with calix-substituted POVs is published in Inorganic Chemistry
- 11thJunEric Schreiber is named the recipient of a UR Elon Huntington Hooker Fellowship! Congrats on this amazing accomplishment!
- 23rdAprCongrats to Lauren on being named a recipient of a Dean Marvin Summer Research Fellowship!!! We are so excited to work with you this summer on redox flow battery research!
- 16thAprRachel Meyer defends her PhD!!!
- 9thAprEllen is named the recipient of the 2021 G. Graydon Curtis '58 and Jane W. Curtis Award for Nontenured Faculty Teaching Excellence
- 23rdMarRachel Garwick receives NSF GRFP!!!! Congrats!!!
- 20thMarThe Matson lab successfully saves the world in our first virtual escape room!!
- 11thMarAlex's paper on surface functionalization of high-valent POV-alkoxide clusters is published in Nanoscale!!
- 27thFebThomas' paper on the design of sterically encumbered, siloxide-functionalized polyoxotungstates is published in Dalton Transactions!!
- 27thJanMatson Lab participates in the first-ever UR Chemistry Day(s) of Action!!! Stoked to be doing this important work to make our department a more inclusive place!
- 22ndJanCongrats to Sourav, Brittney, and Eric on having their review article accepted to Nanoscale Advances! Check it out if you want to learn more about Atomic Precision in Vanadium Oxide Clusters!!!
- 15thJanWelcome to the Matson Lab's newest postdoc, Brett Hakey!
- 4thJanWelcome to Tyler Mason, a first-year graduate student from Chemical Engineering! Thrilled to have you on the team!
- 2020
- 28thDecCongrats to Mevan for being selected as a recipient of the ACS YCC Leadership Development Award!!
- 17thNovJesse's paper on nitrite reduction is published in ACS Catalysis!! Great collaborative project with the Bren Group!
- 17thNovWelcome to first-year graduate students, Rachel Garwick and Robert Lewis! We are so excited to watch you grow as cluster chemists!
- 16thNovEric is named a recipient of the W. D. Walters Teaching Award!! Congrats Eric, we are so proud!
- 16thNovEric and Alex receive department fellowships celebrating their excellence in research! Congrats to both, thanks for being exceptional group role models!
- 16thOctRachel's paper describing vanadium K-edge XAS to characterize POV-alkoxide clusters is published in Chemistry A European Journal! Great collaboration from her time at LANL on her SCSGR Fellowship!!
- 6thOctMevan's paper summarizing the coordination chemistry of nitrite to a low-valent iron complex is published in the Journal of Coordination Chemistry! Congrats Mevan on excellent work!
- 5thOctBrittney's Feature article summarizing her work with oxygen-atom vacancies in POV-alkoxide clusters is published in Chemistry Communications!
- 1stOctEllen is selected as a Scialog Fellow for Negative Emissions Sciences!
- 17thSepBrittney's last research article is published in Inorg. Chem.!! Great work investigating structure-funtction relationships of NOx activation!!
- 16thSepThomas' first paper in the Matson Lab is published in Dalton Transactions!! Check here for our perspective on POMs as ligands for actinides!
- 20thAugBrittney defends her PhD!! So proud of all that she has accomplished!! She's off to a postdoc at NREL - we wish you the best of luck and we will miss you!!!
- 17thAugVirtual orientation for incoming graduate students kicks off at UR! Great work organizing the event, Ellen & Rose!!
- 21stJulEllen attends the U.S. Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium as a Kavli Fellow!!
- 15thJulOur RFB Chemistry is funded! Thanks to NSF CBET for this opportunity to continue our work investigating polynuclear RFB charge carriers!
- 29thJunAlex and Kevin's collaboration with the Krauss and Bren lab is published in Chem. Commun. Congrats!!
- 26thJunRachel's studies probing the mechanism of POV-alkoxide formation are published ini Chem. Commun. (And selected as a “HOT” article)!
- 22ndJunEllen speaks at the Global Inorganic Discussion Weekend! Thanks for the invite!!!
- 15thJunEric is the latest group member to pass his Orals!! Congrats to a fantastic scientist on advancing to candidacy!
- 22ndMayEric and Brittney's paper on acid-induced vacancy formation in POV-alkoxide clusters is published in JACS!
- 20thMayFirst day of COVID-research. Getting back into the lab safely after a few months of social distancing!
- 17thMayCongratulations to our graduates, Michela and Lily (BS Chemistry, 2020) and Eric (MS Chemistry, 2020)!!!
- 16thMayMichela Maiola is named the recipient of the ACS Inorganic Chemistry Award! Congrats, Michela - we are so proud of you!!
- 1stMayBibi is awarded a Summer Research Grant from the Office of Undergraduate Research! Microwave syntheses, here we come!!
- 27thAprEllen was named a 2020 Camille Dreyfus Teacher Scholar!!
- 13thAprMichela and Brittney's article on selective halogenation of mixed-valent POV-alkoxide clusters is published online! Special congrats to undergraduate first-author, Michela Maiola!
- 31stMarMichela Maiola (UG, '20) is named a recipient of a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! Congrats to Michela, we are SO proud of you!
- 21stMarRachel and Brittney's collaborative manuscript with the Streb Group is published online! Congrats team!
- 19thMarMatson Lab closes its doors to prevent the spread of COVID19 - we will miss our in-person interactions and research, but are happy to be helping out in some small way with the pandemic.
- 6thFebWe welcome Dr. Sourav Chakraborty to the Matson Group!
- 7thJanWe welcome Dr. Thomas Auvray to the Matson Group! Thomas will be leading our efforts in actinide-functionalized polyoxometalates.
- 2019
- 18thDecBrittney, Rachel and Michela's article on the halogenation of polyoxovanadates is published in JACS! Congrats on this exciting collaboration!
- 5thDecBrittney's paper summarizing the reactivity of oxygen-deficient POVs and nitrite/nitrate is published!
- 22ndNovEric and Niamh's article summarizing cation interactions with the surface of POV-alkoxide clusters is accepted to ACS Applied Energy Materials
- 6thNovBrittney is recognized with the University of Rochester's Outstanding Graduate Student Award.
- 6thNovAlex is awarded the Arnold Weissberger Fellowship from the Department of Chemistry. Super recognition for his hard work and research/academic excellence! Congrats!
- 6thNovCongratulations to Michela who received a Junior Scholar Award!!
- 18thSepLauren's LAST article as a PhD student is published online - it's the end of an era!! Special thanks to our collaborators at Sandia, Harry and Travis!
- 9thSepLauren and Eric's collaborative manuscript with the Limberg Group at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany is published online!
- 2ndAugEllen is named a DOE early career scientist! Get ready, transuranics… we're coming for you!
- 17thJulEric passed his cumes!!!
- 15thJulBrittney and Rachel's paper on the formation of O-atom vacancies with PR3 is published!!
- 27thJunAlex passed his candidacy exam!!
- 17thJunWelcome to our brand new postdoc - Mevan!!!
- 10thJunWelcome to Niamh, our 2019 iREU student!!
- 31stMayLauren defends her PhD! Congrats to the Matson Lab's FIRST PhD!!!!
- 19thMayMatson Lab alum heading out into the world! Congrats Megan, Patrick, Robert and Rob on your graduation!
- 2ndMayEllen is named a Wilmot Assistant Professor!! Thanks UR for the recognition!!!
- 26thAprBrittney is awarded an Eli Huntington Hooker Fellowship from the University of Rochester! Yay!!
- 25thAprLauren's Polyhedron Article on organofunctionalized Heterometallic POV-alkoxide clusters is published online!
- 23rdAprLauren is named the recipient of the Anna Louise Hoffman Award for Outstanding Achievement of Graduate Research - a national award administered by Iota Sigma Pi!
- 15thAprBrad, Olaf and Lauren's chemistry summarizing the functionalization of POV-alkoxide clusters with polar TRIOL ligands is published in the Journal of Coordination Chemistry.
- 11thAprLauren is named the recipient of the Curtis Peck Teaching Award! So proud!
- 5thAprRachel is awarded a prestigious SCGSR fellowship from the Department of Energy - stoked to be heading to LANL to work with Stosh Kozimor in August!
- 2ndAprBrittney and Alex's manuscript describing multiple o-atom vacancy formation at the surface of POV-alkoxide clusters is published online at Inorganic Chemistry! Congrats team!
- 21stMarLauren's Comments on Inorganic Chemistry article is published online! Check out our perspective on the development of POV-alkoxide clusters as charge carriers for RFBs!
- 19thFebEllen is awarded a 2019 Sloan Fellowship in Chemistry!
- 12thFebEllen is announced as a member of the 2019 class of Cottrell Scholars!
- 7thFebLauren and Eric's publication summarizing the physicochemical implications of alkoxide mixing on POV-alkoxide clusters is published online! Great work!
- 4thFebNew collaborative work online with the Cook Lab! Congrats to Anju and Lauren!
- 2018
- 5thDecEric officially joins the research group! Excited to have him on board!
- 10thNovMatson Lab attends Inorganic Discussion Weekend at the University of Waterloo. Both Rachel and Brittney are selected to give talks on their research!
- 9thNovLauren VanGelder wins Outstanding Graduate Student award!
- 25thOct
- 15thOctOlaf receives a Humboldt Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation!
- 15thOctManuscript published in ChemSusChem! Congrats to Lauren, Brittney, Olaf and iREU student, Gabriel!
- 14thOctRachel's chemistry is published in a Special Issue of Polyhedron dedicated to Bill Jones!
- 11thOctEllen and family travel to Ulm and Berlin (GERMANY) during her trip to receive the Edith Flanigen Award!
- 6thSepEllen is selected as a Scialog Fellow for Advanced Energy Storage!
- 6thAugEllen is named the recipient of the CRC 1109 Edith Flanigen Award! Looking forward to new collaborations in Berlin starting in October!
- 1stAugBrittney's chemistry is highlighted in an article at the UR Newscenter!
- 12thJulEllen is named the recipient of a Course Hero Woodrow Wilson Fellowship!
- 5thJulFeng and Rachel's manuscript describing NO activiation is published!
- 2ndJulLauren's J. Mat. Chem. A paper describing titanium-functionalized POV-alkoxides for NRFBs is published!
- 28thJunBrittney's JACS paper describing O-atom vacancy formation on POV-alkoixde clusters is published!
- 28thJunBrittney and Merejma's manuscript on Manganese-catalyzed Kumada coupling is online!
- 16thJunWhat is the Scientific Method?
- 10thJunMatson Lab runs the Teacher's Challenge 5k!
- 7thJunHigh school student Emma finished up her senior internship in the Matson Lab!
- 4thJunMichela, Robert and Gabriel start their summer research in the Matson Lab!
- 2ndJunLauren wins best talk at the 3rd Annual Western New York Inorganic Symposium
- 20thMayMerjema receives three Undergraduate Awards!
- 20thMayMerjema graduates with a BS! We couldn't be more proud!
- 19thMayCongrats to Sam on graduating with a Master's degree! We are so proud of you and look forward to following your career as an educator!
- 1stMayWelcome to our new postdoc, Olaf Nachtigall, from Berlin!!!
- 28thAprMerjema wins best talk at WNYACS Undergraduate Research Symposium!
- 20thAprLauren and Patrick's ChemComm article describing halogenation of TiPOV-alkoxide clusters is online!!
- 13thAprBrittney is awarded the ACS WCC Eli Lilly Travel Award! She will presenting her research at the Fall ACS Meeting in Boston!
- 28thMarLauren gets picked to give a talk at the Inorganic GRC Graduate Research Symposium!
- 1stFebLauren is named a recipient of the Elliot and Laura Richman Travel Grant Award!
- 31stJanHighlight in University news on our ChemSci paper!!
- 14thJanFirst paper from our collaboration with the Cook group! POV-alkoxides for NRFBs!
- 2ndJanLauren's first paper is published!
- 2017
- 5thDecBrad and Alex join the group!
- 2ndNovMerjema wins the Catherine Block Memorial Prize and the Junior Scholar award. Way to go!
- 11thOctLauren wins first prize for her poster at the New York Battery and Energy Storage Technology Conference! Go Lauren!
- 10thSep
- 1stAugRachel, Brittney and Lauren are Ph.D. candidates!
- 2ndJunThe Matson Lab runs the Teacher's Challenge!
- 26thMayFeng's second paper is published! Great work from the whole team!
- 22ndMayRachel, Brittney and Lauren receive their Masters!
- 14thApr
- 16thMarLauren is awarded a NSF GRFP! Way to go!
- 6thMarEllen's poster gets picked for a poster talk at the Reaction Mechanism GRC!
- 17thJanThe Matson group receives a NSF CAREER grant!
- 2016
- 13thDecJesse, Mark and Sam join the Matson Lab!
- 17thNovLauren wins the Walter's Teaching Award! Way to go!
- 18thOctThe Matson lab leads National Chemistry Week activities in the Rochester City School District!
- 21stJulThe Matson Lab is officially published! Read more about Iron-Functionalized Polyoxovanadate-alkoxide Clusters!
- 1stJulThe Matson Lab turns One!! Thanks everyone for a great first year!
- 23rdJunEllen's poster gets picked for a poster talk at the Inorganic Chemistry GRC!
- 12thJunEllen, Rachel and Brittney participate in the 2016 Teacher's Challenge 5K!
- 6thJunSebastián Reyes De La Lanza joins the Matson Lab for the summer!