Welcome to the Matson Research Group!!!
We are a team of chemists interested in synthetic inorganic chemistry, specifically the application of first-row transition metal complexes in an effort to solve a variety of industrial, environmental and biological problems. Want to learn more about the Matson Group?? Interested in joining our research team? All are welcome to come to join us for our group meetings. Contact Ellen for more information or come by and visit us in B50 of Hutchison Hall!!
- 30thJanWelcome to first-year graduate students, Hania and Nadeeshan! We can't wait to see what great science you do 😊
- 9thJanHappy birthday to Ellen!!!!
- 9thJanAnother Np manuscript, and the Matson Lab's first publication in Organometallics. Congrats to Leyla and thanks to the Bart Team!!
- 7thJanShannon's collabortive manuscript describing the mechanisms of PCET in Ti-subsituted polyoxovanadte-alkoxide clusters is published in Chemical Science!
- 1stJanHappy New Year from the Matson Lab!!! We're ready for another year of exciting science!!
- 12thDecAt long last, Leyla's paper describing the photoluminescence of uranium(IV) alkoxide complex is published in JACS Au!!! Special thanks to Sabyasachi and Bess for the computational support!